Out At Sea

Here we are floating in the ocean, unsure how we are going to survive or where we are going. We’re hungry, thirsty and all we know is desperation. This is the life we have before we are drawn to God and His salvation.

We must have once been either on land somewhere or on ship, but it’s all a guess. This is all we’ve known and we do our best to survive. A good day is having some fresh water to drink, or finding a larger piece of debris to float upon.

Our assumptions are right… that this wasn’t how it used to be. Before our choice to sin against God and choose ourselves over Him, we did live a good life on land. But no longer. Now we are stuck in this hopeless existence. 

God has made a way to live a life once again connected to Him, our source of hope and joy! When God offered His only Son, Jesus, to live on this earth and eventually die in our place on the cross, life changed forever. We can know a better life, one free of this constant desperation. When we accept Jesus as the Lord and Savior of our life, we are thrilled to see there really are ships dotting the horizon, one even coming our way.

The Christian life is one of purpose. We now are limited only by ourselves for we live day to day with the God of the impossible as our closest friend. We have the chance to know others and really be part of a community. 

I wish things were perfect at this point, but they are not. I have a new heart and life but I still live in this body of flesh with many sinful patterns and habits needing to be removed. God’s way is so much different than our way! Just having to take orders and answer to someone can be a challenge to many of us. We have to learn to completely trust God and obey Him absolutely. This community is full of people like myself, wanting to grow but often lacking quite a bit.

Ironically, the first major problem we find as we climb onto this ship and hear our first order is that of just remaining on the ship! Every time God says, ok, crew, time to get moving, a good chunk of us jump back into the water. It seems ridiculous, but it’s what we know…being in the water, struggling to swim. Once we’re back in the water, our minds clear again and we realize what a bad idea this was and keep an eye out for another vessel. I won’t do that anymore, we each resolve. God’s way is staying aboard that ship and doing as he says. Truthfully, some of us continue to jump overboard our whole lives. God doesn’t give up on those of us stuck in this crazy routine, but a lot of time gets wasted and I do think we miss out on many adventures and wonderful journeys. 

When we finally stop jumping ship, we have a chance to hear and obey God. If He says, We’re going to all row for awhile, we can choose to listen and obey. Some people do and other don’t. The ones oblivious to God seem to be tossed to and fro, causing difficulty for everyone else. Then there are the people that do go to their assigned spot but didn’t listen to the technique they need to use. So, they are rowing backward and not helping at all. Again, God is merciful. He understands our frailty and our struggles to listen and understand and obey. We are on the ship and we are going the right way at least. 

Time for a break God instructs. I’ll take this shift. Everyone go rest and have a meal. We have a challenging stretch coming up. He is so good to us! He is the perfect Father and Captain! He always has His glory and our good in mind. So, off we go, well most of us. We go sleep and get our hunger and thirst taken care of. But, as you probably guess by now, others don’t heed. Some refuse to stop rowing. They must work, always work. God expects them to earn their keep they think. He’s a hard master. So, they don’t rest, and they don’t get refreshed and unless they start to listen to God, they will have a very short and harsh life. Sadly all of that effort is for nothing in the end anyway. 

Everyone back in place, now in your secondary positions, God instructs. We all have different roles on the ship and they change up at times. This one is a position we are learning but not that great at yet. You’ll be watching as I take the ship through this part, God lets us know. It’s a relief too, because huge rocks are jutting out everywhere and it looks very dangerous. There He goes, navigating the ship flawlessly as we all sit and watch. Amazing, we all think. In our own strength, we would never have made it. Yet, there are still those rowing their little hearts out, paying no attention, and always some around in the water looking confused. 

We are instructed to go back to our original positions now and and are all rowing again. God sets the speed and we coordinate our oars as the ship cuts swiftly through the water. Not everyone though, some are wandering around the ship still and others refuse to go the pace God set. Some still are rowing backwards and others have passed out, having never taken their break earlier in the day. 

I think this is the Christian life as it really is. God goes where He pleases and we have a place in His plan. We can make things easier or more difficult for others and ourselves. We all have periods of wonderful obedience but there will be times we slip up and even jump ship. We can insist on our own foolish way and cause ourselves all sorts of problems. God is so gracious! But we aren’t always that gracious to one another, are we? It’s easy to judge, and become proud in our good times. It’s easy to turn away from those struggling and not lend that helping hand. 

Here are a couple lessons I’ve learned being in all these above places at times. First, listen to God, really listen. Our old patterns will not get us where we should be going. God’s ways and plans will often seem different and challenging, but they are always good. I don’t want to spend all my time flailing around in the ocean waiting for the next ship!

Second, we must trust God. Even as we become better shipsmen, we don’t know better than God. He’s brilliant! If He gives an order, it’s because it’s best. If it’s paddling or resting or changing our role, or whatever it is, we need to trust Him and obey.

Third, we aren’t in this alone. We can help those around us and encourage them. Maybe they won’t listen, but maybe they will. Even if we’re in some bad circumstances ourselves, we have the chance to say, hey, there’s hope! Do you know the Almighty God? If you do, do you know there will be another ship coming by soon and we can get back on it? I’ll help you. Here’s what I’ve experienced….

Fourth, mercy is crucial. When we see how full of grace and mercy God is to us all of the time, we should be encouraged to be the same. We all start in the same place, floating in the water confused!  We all have ups and downs and have or will experience every place I’ve mentioned. So, let’s be  gracious to those around us.

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